Asbestos: The strange past of the 'magic mineral'

From supernatural capes to sleeping caps, asbestos fibres once had a wide range of bizarre uses.



Linguistic Analysis


Inforamtion Sources

Image by tips-and-tricks.co

The article links to an image on tips-and-tricks.co to illustrate what asbestos looks like.

Image by steeprockassoc.org

The article links to an image on steeprockassoc.org to illustrate what asbestos looks like.

News by BBC

The article links to a BBC news story to provide context on the tragic history of asbestos.

News by Nature

The article links to a Nature article to provide context on the scandalous history of asbestos.

Webpage by brachers.co.uk

The article links to a page on brachers.co.uk to provide context on the history of asbestos as a 'magic mineral'.

Webpage by archive.org

The article links to a page on archive.org to provide context on the use of asbestos in night-caps.

Webpage by royalsocietypublishing.org

The article links to a page on royalsocietypublishing.org to provide context on Benjamin Franklin's early life.

Webpage by benjamin-franklin-history.org

The article links to a page on benjamin-franklin-history.org to provide context on Benjamin Franklin's early life.

Webpage by perseus.tufts.edu

The article links to a page on perseus.tufts.edu to provide context on the historical use of asbestos.

Webpage by emgs.org.uk

The article links to a page on emgs.org.uk to provide context on the historical use of asbestos in shoes.

Webpage by sciencedirect.com

The article links to a page on sciencedirect.com to provide context on the historical use of asbestos in ancient Greece.

Webpage by researchgate.net

The article links to a page on researchgate.net to provide context on the archaeological discovery of asbestos in ancient pottery.

News by nytimes.com

The article links to a New York Times article to provide context on Charlemagne's use of asbestos.

Webpage by sciencedirect.com

The article links to a page on sciencedirect.com to provide context on the discovery of asbestos in Byzantine wall paintings.

Webpage by scdhec.gov

The article links to a page on scdhec.gov to provide context on the discovery of large asbestos deposits in Canada and the United States.

Webpage by imperial.ac.uk

The article links to a page on imperial.ac.uk to provide context on the use of asbestos in power plants and steam engines.

News by BBC

The article links to a BBC article to provide context on the presence of asbestos in drinking water.

Webpage by blogs.imperial.ac.uk

The article links to a page on blogs.imperial.ac.uk to provide context on the first confirmed case of a death linked to asbestos.

News by BBC

The article links to a BBC news story to provide context on the health risks posed by asbestos in buildings.

Webpage by epa.gov

The article links to a page on epa.gov to provide context on the US Environmental Protection Agency's efforts to curb the use of asbestos.

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